Peter Sondakh
Peter Sondakh
According to Forbes Magazine, Peter Sondakh is chosen as Indonesia’s Richest. He is now 61 years old. He gets his wealth from investment business and also self made business. He is coming from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. He has already married and now he has three children. In 2012, he was in same position too. There is no change in 2013 too. Most people often heard his name. He is very famous when you know his company.
He is head of Rajawali Group. He has business related with coal mining and also Entertainment business too. People still can find some other his business such as Golden Eagle Energy and also taxi company in Jakarta, Express. He also has Archipelago Resources company, Gold mining company in Sulawesi. People also can find property asset of him such as Regis bali. He is chosen as number eight Indonesia’s Richest because he has asset $2.7 Million. People can check his detail profile in some sources too. He still has so many businesses and he hopes he can increase his asset in the future. His children now also help him to handle some businesses in Indonesia. He hopes he can expand more products to other countries in the world.