Mochtar Riady
Mochtar Riady
The name of Mochtar Riady is often heard by all people in Indonesia. He is now 84 years old and he has some businesses as his wealth source. He is coming from Jakarta Indonesia. In 2012, he was chosen as number 11 Indonesia’s richest and now he is chosen ad number 9 Indonesia’s richest. It means he increase his asset so he can increase his position too. He has already married and he has 6 children and most of his children also have business too.
He is famous with Lippo Group. Unfortunately, his business got problems and financial crisis. Now, he expands his business to Singapore, California US, and some countries in the world. Riady also has business related with health care, retail, cinemas, and some other fields. Riady was firstly famous because of his bicycle shop in East Java. People can get some knowledge and inspiration from him because he has long story to reach his success and now he is in number 9 top Indonesia’s Richest. He hopes to increase his position in the future time. He is chosen as number 9 top Indonesia’s tichest with his $2.5 Million asset. People can read his success story in some sites now.